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The company initially had no name and the co-founders named all their files NV, as in "next version". The need to incorporate the company prompted the co-founders to review all words with those two letters, leading them to "invidia", the Latin word for "envy".[10]
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia

In Latin, invidia is the sense of envy, a "looking upon" associated with the evil eye, from invidere, "to look against, to look in a hostile manner."[1] Invidia ("Envy") is one of the Seven Deadly Sins in Christian belief.
Modern usage of the name:
The name of the Nvidia Corporation comes from Invidia in Roman mythology
Invidia is also the name of one of Final Fantasy XV's many battle themes.

źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invidia

Oficjalne Logo tej firmy, jest podobne do oka horusa: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/6d/Nvidia_image_logo.svg/150px-Nvidia_image_logo.svg.png

We got a fun one for you today folks. We’re going to be talking about how Nvidia got its name and its fascinating history in Roman mythology. In Latin, invidia is the sense of envy, an intense gaze associated with malice and the “evil eye”. Invidia is also the Roman name for the ancient Greek “Titan” deity, Nemesis. Who’s the personification of hatred and jealousy in Roman mythology.

#teoriespiskowe #nvida #pcmasterrace #komputery #it
Pobierz Pawci0o - Tego się nie spodziewałem:

The company initially had no name and the co-...
źródło: comment_9JChRHQsg7NRkt3lCT0fFBELXojDLMzb.jpg
  • 2
@GothamKnight: Widocznie coś w tym jest. W taki razie po co duże międzynarodowe firmy wykorzystują ta symbolikę, która kojarzy się ze złem lub odnosi się do postaci np. w mitologi greckiej.
np. NVIDIA Jetson Partner Stories: Horus
Niestety firm, które wykorzystują odniesienia lub symbolikę, która kojarzy się z dobrem jest zdecydowanie mniej.
Pawci0o - @GothamKnight: Widocznie coś w tym jest. W taki razie po co duże międzynaro...