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#gearbest #paypal

Na Gearbest zapłaciłem paypalem ale nie ze swojego konta, a z konta kolegi. Teraz jakaś taka weryfikacja mnie czeka. Czy to normalna procedura? Jakieś porady?

Gearbest Customer Support At11/27/2017 00:22:16


Thank you for your order with Gearbest. The transaction is now on hold and being reviewed for Gearbest Payment Approval Process.
This is a standard process of payment safety review. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience it may cause. For more information please read about our Gearbest Payment Verification.

Please help to provide the requested documents for completing the transaction review.
Note: To make your attachments clear to read and ensure a smooth process, please kindly provide files no more than 5MB in the following supported formats: jpg, png, gif, bmp, doc, xls, txt, ppt, pdf.

We will need the following:
- Proof of identity, the document you provide should show the name of the PayPal account holder. For example you may provide a residence card, driver license, or other legal governmental document copy.
- If you feel uncomfortable providing proof of identity, please provide a proof of address, such as a bill statement from the last 3 months for water, electricity or mobile.

We guarantee all documents you provide will be deleted once we pass payment verification and will not be shared with any third party.
For more information please read about our Privacy Policy.

Please kindly reply to us within 24 hours. Gearbest will ship your items as soon as payment verification is complete.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

Best Regards,
Gearbest Payment Review Agent
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