Aktywne Wpisy
Gzyro +71
Nigdy nie zrozumiem dlaczego narkotyki takie jak lsd,grzyby,ketamina,analogi mefedronu czy mdma są nielegalne.
Ja #!$%@?...
Sam teraz #!$%@? jestem, ale to jest miliard razy mniej toksyczne niż ten gówno alkohol legalny narkotyk.
#narkotykizawszespoko #alkoholizm
Ja #!$%@?...
Sam teraz #!$%@? jestem, ale to jest miliard razy mniej toksyczne niż ten gówno alkohol legalny narkotyk.
#narkotykizawszespoko #alkoholizm
Jailer +61
Dlaczego północna Polska jest dyskryminowana pod względem występowania burz? Jak co rano sprawdzam prognozy pogody i aktualną sytuację. I co widzę? Znowu burze #!$%@?ą na południu i południowym zachodzie, a na Pomorzu nic. Denerwuje mnie to, bo jest sucho jak na pustyni.
#burza #pogoda #gorzkiezale #gdansk
#burza #pogoda #gorzkiezale #gdansk
Call her
Text her
Stalk her social media
Tell yourself you're never going to get over her
Lament how you'll never find someone like her again
Fall into self destructive habits like eating like shit and getting wasted every night
Delete her off social media, delete her number, and cut contact. She broke up with you, so you don't owe her contact now. It's not like she's sitting at home thinking "Welp, I broke up with him, but if he texts me and calls me enough times I'm definitely getting back together with him!" She's not going to get sad about you not talking to her, so do yourself a solid and just cut contact now. You'd do it eventually anyway, so don't prolong the issue by playing the "We're just gonna be friends" game. You're not just friends if you're still sad.
Remember you will get over her. Everyone moves on eventually. You were dating for 2 years, which may seem like a long time to you but really isn't in the grand scheme. Do you think you're gonna be the first man in history who never moved on from his ex girlfriend? Nah. Don't be dramatic, you'll get over her if you let yourself.
You won't ever find anyone exactly like her, which is a dam good thing because who she is ended up dumping you. You may find someone similar, or you may find someone totally different that actually meshes with you even better. There's billions of people in this world, the chances of your ex being the one person who was compatible with you... again, lets not be dramatic.
Accept responsibility for your part in this. Forgiving yourself is cathartic. Maybe you could have done things differently, who knows. You can't go back in time to change those things, and you can't apologize your way out of them now. Accept it, learn from it. It will make your next relationship better
Work on self improvement. Nothing is better after a breakup than becoming better. It's a distraction and it boosts your confidence. Get your hair done at a good barber, grow a beard, hit up the gym, go to parties, learn a new skill. Become awesome!
Worth mentioning: While hitting up online dating the day after a breakup seems to be the MO of a lot of people, I'd argue that you should avoid tinder and OKcupid until you've had at least a couple months to work through this. You're in no good mindset to be dating new women right now, and you're likely to just remind yourself how much you miss your ex by trying to pursue new people in that much volume. Plus there's inevitable rejection with online dating and you don't need that right now. Improve yourself, lean on friends, avoid your ex. Then get back out there.
#wygryw #przegryw #zwiazki
Dużo wskazówek jest w tekście. Wydrukuje sobie to i powieszę na ścianie
@Pierdyliard: MO ?
@jakuba94: No to już wiesz, co się zepsuło.
W 99% przypadkach takie teksty to po prostu nieudolna próba złagodzenia dramy związanej z rozstaniem, takie
@jakuba94: to znaczy dokłądnie to co jest napisane. Jesteś spoko człowiekiem, nie masz specjalnie dużo wad i rozstanie nie jest spowodowane tym, że zrobiłeś coś źle. Po prostu do siebie nie pasujecie. Tyle. Z jednymi ludźmi się dogadasz z innymi nie i to nie musi być wina czegoś.
Podstawowym błędem ogromnej liczby ludzi jest, ze
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