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Garry Peyton opuszcza klub, więc w przyszłym sezonie bramkarze powinni zacząć lepiej bronić, mam nadzieję, że siedzący już blisko 20 lat trener od przygotowania fizycznego Tony Colbert również ma problem z "biodrem" i odejdzie.

Tak jak też pisałem w poprzednim wpisie Arsenal złożył pierwszą, początkową ofertę w wysokości 100 mln euro za Mbappe oraz zapytanie w sprawie ściągnięcia Thomasa Lemara(biorąc pod uwagę, że gra na lewym skrzydle to najprawdopodobniej jako zastępstwo Sancheza).

Informacje od Ornsteina:

The board was divided in offering Wenger a new contract at the club.

Wenger himself is unfazed by the board's division over his contract situation and is more worried about the fan's division and worries that it may impact on the team.

Many board members have lost faith in Stan Kroenke, no aggressive desire to get rid of him, but would perhaps like to see a change of ownership, not necessarily after Alisher Usmanov, though.

Alisher Usmanov's initial bid of £1,000,000,000 to Stan Kroenke was considerably more than what was reported in the press.

Despite reports, the fan's chants during the Everton game of asking for Kroenke to leave, he and his family were not affected by the chants and continue to "remain committed to the club".

Gazidis has said that there will be changes at the club, we will see them over the course of the summer, as per his statement after Wenger's contract announcement.

There will be no Director of Football at Arsenal, although they are looking into the possibility of someone to handle all of the contract negotiations and the scouting and analytical side of things.

Arsenal have an incredibly high wage bill. The wage bill MAY be the highest for a club outside of the UEFA Champions League. They need to comply with the Premier League's wage rulings and the UEFA ones too.

Movement on player contracts were on hold while Wenger's contract situation was dealt with, Alexis Sánchez and Mesut Özil's contracts will be resumed soon, no movement at all on Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain's contract as of yet.

Wojciech Szczęsny, Jack Wilshere and Kieran Gibbs' contracts are also a hot topic, no clue if they will stay at the club.

A lot of changes need to happen regarding the wage structure at the club, too many players taking up the wage budget that need to be sold. Arsenal's issues have never been around meeting the valuations of the players that they are linked with, but more meeting their wage demands, which could see the wage budget increase considerably, depending on player sales.

Arsenal are looking to invest heavily this summer, the transfer budget is believed to be around £150,000,000, which is a £40,000,000 increase on last summer's transfer budget.

Sead Kolašinac is almost essentially a done deal, has been done for some time, with his medical being done, too, just waiting on announcements, Henry Onyekuru's £6,800,000 deal from K.A.S. Eupen is completely fabricated, he has heard nothing regarding this and is not convinced that Arsenal has made an offer.

Arsenal need to focus on contract negotiations and summer signings as soon as possible.

No movement on other Arsenal staff members contracts, Arsenal refusing to comment on their progress, unknown if the contracts are tied to Wenger's future.


" ‘I asked Arsene a question about two months ago,’ recounted Petit. ‘He was in the middle of a storm – fans wanted him to leave the club and even opponent fans were making fun of him, saying they wanted him to stay at the club. I’m a huge fan of Arsene. I know what he has done for Arsenal and the Premier League and the fact he hasn’t won the league for a long time does not mean he isn’t a quality manager.

‘I asked him a simple question: “how can you bring in talented players with a winning mentality, who are difficult to buy on the transfer market?” The fact that Arsenal doesn’t win trophies for ages, doesn’t want to change their wages policy, doesn’t want to put more money on the table for players. They’ve done it with Shkodran Mustafi and Mezut Ozil, but I think they need to be more intelligent in the transfer market.

‘Arsene looked at me and said: “This is a very intelligent question. I know the answer but I won’t give you the answer right now.” I’m pretty sure he will break the wages policy at the club and put big money on the table to bring in big big players for the team next season.’

‘Winning the FA Cup was important but Arsene needs to be bring more talent in to the club for next season and he must also change his management,’ said the 1997/98 double winner. "
