Wpis z mikrobloga

@crab_nebula: Będzie, ale u chłopaków z NASA, potem będzie trzeba wyretuszować wymarłe miasta, przekaźnik Charona i piramidy, a potem wrzucić do neta, więc fota będzie jutro w tych godzinach, albo z samego rana ;)
@Al_Ganonim: jest, owszem :)

New Horiznos FAQ

The key scientific objectives of the New Horizons mission are:

Characterize the global geology and morphology of Pluto and Charon - What do Pluto and Charon look like close up?
Map the surface composition of Pluto and Charon - What are Pluto and Charon made of, and how are those materials distributed over the surface of each object?