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Popularna socjaldemokratyczna teoria głosi pozytywny wpływ silnych związków zawodowych dla pracujących. Związkowcy mieliby wywalczać wyższe płace dla ogółu robotników i zwiększać udział płac w wydatkach firm. Tymczasem:

The way the economy gets divided between capitalists and workers is virtually identical in weak union countries such as the U.S as it is in countries with powerful unions, such as France and Sweden.

So are unions useless? Not entirely. Unions can raise the wage of some workers, but not at the expense of capital, but at the expense of consumers (mainly other workers), or perhaps single "rent" earning industries (such as mining or years ago American auto). This is good and well for those few workers, but does not work as a large scale redistribution program, since workers are just transferring resources from other workers.

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