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#raportzpanstwasrodka Można słać zgłoszenia anonimowo. Dodać należy też screeny, albo linki do skrótów ile na noc wpływa im kasy. General Department of Taxation, Cambodia


Subject: Anonymous Report on Potential Tax Evasion by Polish Nationals Running a Restaurant in Siem Reap

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention a matter concerning potential tax evasion by Polish nationals who are operating a restaurant in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Due to the sensitive nature of this information, I wish to remain anonymous.

The individuals in question are associated with a restaurant named "Polonia," which has reportedly not been generating profit for several years. Despite this, they appear to have substantial income from other sources, particularly through online activities.

These individuals are involved in "patostreaming" - a term used to describe live-streaming content that involves controversial and often inappropriate behavior to solicit large sums of money from viewers via online donations. They have been generating significant revenue through these streams, but it is unclear if this income is being reported and taxed appropriately in Cambodia.

Here are the links to their YouTube channels where these activities can be observed:

Prezes - Raport z Akcji (link do kanału)
Prezes - Popas w Pieprz (link do kanału)

It is important to note that despite the apparent success of these online streams, their restaurant has not shown corresponding financial success, raising questions about potential tax evasion or money laundering.

I urge the General Department of Taxation to investigate these individuals and their financial activities thoroughly. Attached are screenshots and short clips from their live streams that illustrate the significant amounts of money being donated to them online.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that your department will handle this information with the utmost discretion and take appropriate action as deemed necessary.

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