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#mstarzecnews #webdev #coding #nodejs #javascript #go #rustlang #it #bash #aws #apple #windows #electronics

## JS/Web:
- Who can use this color combination? - https://www.whocanuse.com/
- DOOM via Console.Log() - https://github.com/MattCozendey/doom-console-log
- How much work the browser has to do to parse and execute code - https://tonsky.me/blog/js-bloat/
- NodeJS Security Best Practices - https://dev.to/mohammadfaisal/nodejs-security-best-practices-34ck
- Generating a 3D map with OpenStreetMap and A-Frame - https://mary.codes/blog/programming/generating_a_vr_map_with_osm_and_aframe/
- Fast Rust bundler for JavaScript with Rollup-compatible API - https://rolldown.rs

## Golang:
- A memory arena implementation for Go. - https://github.com/ortuman/nuke
- More powerful Go execution traces - https://go.dev/blog/execution-traces-2024
- The One Billion Row Challenge in Go: from 1m45s to 3.4s in nine solutions - https://benhoyt.com/writings/go-1brc/

## Rust:
- A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services - https://github.com/cloudflare/pingora
- Lightweight and high-performance reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust. An alternative to frp and ngrok. - https://github.com/rapiz1/rathole

## Coding:
- Decompiler extension in VScode - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=tintinweb.vscode-decompiler
- A programming language where source code must be a valid MIDI music file - http://www.velato.net/
- Implementing RSA from Scratch in JavaScript - https://coderoasis.com/implementing-rsa-from-scratch-in-javascript/

## AI/ML:
- The Ultimate Directory of AI Tools - https://fastpedia.io/
- Scaling ChatGPT: Five Real-World Engineering Challenges - https://newsletter.pragmaticengineer.com/p/scaling-chatgpt
- Hackers Earn $50,000 Uncovering Google System Vulnerabilities in LLM BugSWAT Event - https://www.landh.tech/blog/20240304-google-hack-50000/
- An open-source project aiming to replicate Devin - https://github.com/opendevin/opendevin

## Kubernetes/Docker:
- A unikernel running one and only one application in a virtualized environment. More secure and faster than Linux - https://nanos.org

## Cloud/CDN:
- Home Lab Beginners guide (Hardware) - https://linuxblog.io/home-lab-beginners-guide-hardware/

## Linux/Unix:
- The next generation of Linux Gaming (Fedora) - https://bazzite.gg

## Apple:
- M1 MacBook Storage Upgrade to the highest 2TB capacity - https://vancouvermac.ca/repair/macbook-storage-upgrade/

## Windows:
- Windows in a Docker container - https://github.com/dockur/windows
- How to install Windows 11 without a Microsoft account - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/how-to-install-windows-11-without-a-microsoft-account/ar-BB1jaAfv

## Software/Services:
- A configuration as code language with rich validation and tooling - https://github.com/apple/pkl
- Open-Source Alternative to Adobe After Effects - https://natrongithub.github.io
- Blazing fast, typesafe binary serialization - https://github.com/betwixt-labs/bebop
- Discover Open Source Alternatives to Popular Software - https://openalternative.co/
- Your guide to software you only have to pay for once - https://once.tools/

## Electronics:
- IMSProg - I2C, MicroWire and SPI EEPROM/Flash chip Programmer - is a program to read, write EEPROM chips use the CH341A programmer device - https://github.com/bigbigmdm/IMSProg
- LED matrix Earring (CH32V003) - https://mitxela.com/projects/ledstud
- Hex Editor/Viewer/Analyzer, based on opensource projects like qhexedit2, binwalk and QT - https://github.com/gcarmix/HexWalk
- Considerations for a long-running Raspberry Pi - https://www.dzombak.com/blog/2023/12/Considerations-for-a-long-running-Raspberry-Pi.html
- Unlocking secret ThinkPad functionality for emulating USB devices - https://xairy.io/articles/thinkpad-xdci
- Headphone & Amp Impedance - https://nwavguy.blogspot.com/2011/02/headphone-amp-impedance.html?m=1
- JBC 3-Tool Selector - https://hackaday.com/2024/02/29/a-3-tool-selector-box-for-a-jbc-soldering-station/
- Experimental interfacing with the IPhone 6sthrough its PCIe communication bus - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362269212_Experimental_interfacing_with_the_IPhone_6s_through_its_PCIe_communication_bus
- eGPU on a WiFi Router - https://kittenlabs.de/real-gaming-router/
- Linux on a $0.15 RISC-V microcontroller - https://hackaday.com/2024/03/03/bring-linux-to-ch32v003-through-yes-risc-v-emulation/
- Inside the miracle of modern chip manufacturing - https://ig.ft.com/microchips/
- Hacking ESP32 - multiplexing I2C - https://hackaday.io/page/21183-hacking-esp32-multiplexing-i2c
- Running Doom on a commercial electric toothbrush (ESP32-C3) - https://blog.adafruit.com/2024/02/29/running-doom-on-a-commercial-electric-toothbrush-gaming-doom-hacks-atc1441/
- Washer motor wiring to reuse for projects - https://hackaday.com/2024/02/29/washing-machine-motors-unlocked/
- OpenIPC is an alternative open firmware for your IP camera - https://openipc.org
- How to overclock the Raspberry Pi 5 beyond 3 GHz - https://www.tomshardware.com/raspberry-pi/how-to-overclock-the-raspberry-pi-5-beyond-3-ghz
- The RP2040 boot sequence - https://hackaday.com/2024/03/17/rp2040-boot-loader-is-a-worm/
- 24 channel, 100Msps logic analyzer hardware on RP2040 - https://github.com/gusmanb/logicanalyzer
- An open source quadruped robot pet framework for developing Boston Dynamics-style four-legged robots - https://github.com/PetoiCamp/OpenCat
- OpenCat - https://www.petoi.com/pages/opencat-open-source-robot-pet-framework

## Other:
- What makes airplanes fly by looking at the forces generated by the flow of air around the aircraft’s wings - https://ciechanow.ski/airfoil/
- Firsty is a mobile app that provides seamless global connectivity for travelers - https://www.firsty.app/
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