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“I guess–I guess my biggest regret in life is maybe not spending more time with my mom. Well, like, my mom, she was always a little weird. Like, in life, she was always a little weird. But like, like every–every year near my birthday, she would make trayfuls of gingerbread cookies and pass them out to my classmates, with like a handwritten card to like, thank them for being my friend, which…it was like, okay…like, she–she still loved me a lot, like if you–if you stepped into our house, you would find our walls plastered top to bottom with every piece of shitty art school that I had ever done, y’know? It would get to the point where I would just throw my creations away before getting home, ‘cause I didn’t want her to, like, just knack another shitty art on the wall.

And the strangest thing about my mom though is that like she talked to our trees. And like, she even named them, there was Daphne the lemon tree, you know, Carl the pomegranate tree, Joseph the oak. Uh, Jo–the oak was bigger than a sapling, but it was still far from a mature tree. And sometimes I would even find her in the backyard having full-blown one-sided conversations with the trees, and one day I told her that, y’know, that was…talking to trees like that was a little bit weird. And she said that, y’know, she said, “Hey, I need to feel loved.” Y’know? And then she would just wait until I’d get back into the house before, uh, continuing the conversation where she left off. And sometimes she would insist that we dress up in our nicest clothing and pose by the trees so she could take pictures of us with like her timer-operated camera. And I always knew she was far from a normal mother, but honestly all we had was each other, and she did give me all the affection a mother could give.

But when I moved out for college, I made sure to stay close, because I really couldn’t bear to leave her alone, and I told her this one day and she kissed my forehead, like, lovingly, and she told me that it was okay because she had Carl, Daphne, and Joseph to keep her company. As I grew older, I saw less and less of her, y’know like work, friends, and like a love life took more of my time. I only got to see her like maybe once every two weeks or so, and uh, one night I was at a bar with my friend actually, and uh…that’s when I got the call. That my mother died. She had a stroke, and our neighbor spotted her through the fence sprawled on the ground by the trees. And uh…like a few–like a few days later, the funeral’s happened, and only a few friends and family members showed up, but that was fine. It was always mostly just me and her, like I said. And uh she was cremated shortly after the ceremony and I–I took her urn home with me. And uh, in her will she only had one request of me, and that was that I continue to take care of and talk to the trees. And I mean I took care of them for sure but I really couldn’t bring myself to talk to plant life, y’know?

And, um, one day I finally got the courage to go, like, through her stuff in her room and I found an envelope in her desk with cash papers inside. I looked through them, and I was really shook at what I found. Um, there were three stillborn death certificates for a baby Joseph, baby Carl, and baby Daphne. And, like, I had never known that I had siblings, and I’d never seen any urns before, but that day I understood where she had buried their remains, and I understood why she spoke to the trees. And uh, yeah, ever since I take her last wish very seriously, and I talk to the trees, and recently I actually even planted a new one for my mother.”

#sad story #zycie #zwierzenia #niewiemjaktootagowac
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