Wpis z mikrobloga

"Thank you for contacting Starlink support.

First of all, we understand and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
We have created a new order for you at no cost with priority. Please contact us immediately if you experience any problem with this order.

Looking forward to getting you connected with Starlink soon!"

Ah shit, here we go again xD

Teraz mam dwa zamówienia na Starlink Kit xD
Jako ciekawostkę dodam, że już 1.5mc temu typek z supportu twierdził, że przenoszą mnie do priority list ( ͡º ͜ʖ͡º)

#starlink #spacex
asdfghjkl - "Thank you for contacting Starlink support. 

First of all, we understa...

źródło: comment_16679822918tDuMJpGTqkCCx2wbsEWf8.jpg

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