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Aljazeera Live Updates 2022-04-25 18:23 GMT

Poland has delivered tanks to Ukraine, says Polish PM

Poland has sent tanks to Ukraine, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said without giving any further details.

“Yes,” Morawiecki said when asked if Poland had or would send tanks to Ukraine. He declined to reveal any further details including the number of tanks sent.

In March Poland said it was ready to deploy all its MiG-29 jets to Ramstein Air Base in Germany and put them at the disposal of the United States, but Washington rejected a surprise offer.

“There is no such necessity, there are no such demands, there are no such requests,” Morawiecki said when asked if sending planes to Ukraine was still being considered.

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  • 6
@kjjbox: Za co?
Retoryczne pytanie, oczywiście.
Robi się gorzej niż za komuny. Mam nadzieję, że każdy już ma upatrzoną miejscówkę za granicą, bo jak dalej pójdzie w ten sposób, to za chwilę będziemy mieć jak na Ukrainie. A Kaczyński z kumplami będą się ewakuować do Londynu.
Żal mi mojego kraju. Ludzi - mniej.