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#przegryw nie omińcie wykopaliska z tym morderstwem w Finlandii. Chłopak był dręczony w szkole od lat, ale w końcu jego oprawcy przesadzili, katowali go, wysadzili mu petardę w dupie i w końcu zabili. Grozi im do 10 lat.

The victim had, however, suffered extensive bullying since primary school, at the hands of both the accused as well as students. The bullying had begun as name-calling and insulting, but later progressed to physical violence. In his last years the victim had suffered from severe depression and his circle of friends had shrunk.

According to the police, the killers viewed the victim as submissive and treated him like a "rag doll" they could abuse. The theme of the assault and homicide was a "punishment game" connected to the bullying.


#finlandia #szkola
knur3000 - #przegryw nie omińcie wykopaliska z tym morderstwem w Finlandii. Chłopak b...

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