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Shortly after Night City Wire Episode 2, The Official Cyberpunk 2077 Discord community had the opportunity to sit down with Senior Level Designer, Miles Tost & Lead Quest Designer, Pawel Sasko.

In Night City Wire Episode 2, During the Guns and Modifications Section, There was a scene where V is fixing his pistol. He's in 3rd person perspective. Is that just a thing you guys did for the episode or is that an example of 3rd person cutscene?

Its actually in the game. Yeah its called "The First Equip" Basically like a cool animation you get for a new item you've obtained. It was just cut like that for the trailer but Yes, its in the actual game.

Chodzi z pewnością o fragment tego filmu (od 17:20).
W wywiadzie tym poruszony jest również temat "przejścia gry bez ukończenia głównego wątku".

It is correct what from I stated in that interview, but it depends on the definition you're using for what is the side quest and what is the main quest. That's the whole problem. The jist of what I said is.. When you decide to do side content, It opens up new paths that allow you to finish the game in more ways that were previously closed for you and thats really the jist of it. I tried to explain it the best I could to the Journalist, who mostly understood what I meant but some wording wasnt completely precise and was google translated in different ways. Some people understood it correctly and some people obviously started to really stretching it all over the place. At that point when I try to clarify, it creates even more confusion so sometimes I don't prefer to comment on it further. So I rather not make a mess and cause further confusion. It's difficult at times to explain some things in simple terms due to the complexity of our systems.

Czyżby to było tylko nieporozumienie i chodziło mu o to, że wątki poboczne otwierają więcej zakończeń?

  • 2
W wywiadzie tym poruszony jest również temat "przejścia gry bez ukończenia głównego wątku".

It is correct what from I stated in that interview, but it depends on the definition you're using for what is the side quest and what is the main quest. That's the whole problem. The jist of what I said is.. When you decide to do side content, It opens up new paths that allow you to finish the
due to the complexity of our systems.

@normalny08: W odniesieniu do fabuły? Yikes xD

Ale mnie najbardziej #!$%@? w tym wszystkim to, że pokazali przed premierą cały quest w Whole Foods, który ewidentnie jest najbardziej złożonym zadaniem z całej gry i powiedzieli, że to jest norma i takich questów z wyborami będzie więcej.

A w finalnym produkcie - część wyborów, które były w tym zwiastunie została wycięta, a inne zadania to