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Combatting malign influences in the Americas: OGA used diplomatic relations in the Americas region to mitigate efforts by states, including Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia, who are working to increase their influence in the region to the detriment of US safety and security. OGA coordinated with other U.S. government agencies to strengthen diplomatic ties and offer technical and humanitarian assistance to dissuade countries in the region from accepting aid from these ill-intentioned states. Examples include using OGA’s Health Attaché office to persuade Brazil to reject the Russian COVID-19 vaccine, and offering CDC technical assistance in lieu of Panama accepting an offer of Cuban doctors.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
#geopolityka #wojna #usa #rosja #chiny #brazylia #szczepienia #koronawirus #covid19 #medycyna
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@kjjbox Piszą o Rosji jako kraju o złych intencjach. Wenezuela kiepsko wyszła na przyjaźni z Rosją. Kuba też nie kwitnie. Rosja nie jest w stanie gospodarczo wesprzeć tych krajów. Jedynie co może to dostarczyć im karabiny i rakiety w dowolnych ilościach najlepiej za złoto.