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#programowanie #python #pyheart

Czołem, podklejam podsumowanie linków zamieszczonych w zeszłym tygodniu (2021-02-22 - 2021-02-28) na https://pyheart.pl - agregatorze treści związanych z Pythonem. Podsumowania można śledzić obserwując tag #pyheart

Artykuły (15)
1. Adam Johnson - Using Django Check Constraints to Prevent Self-Following
2. TestDriven.io - Dockerizing Masonite with Postgres, Gunicorn, and Nginx
3. Matt Layman - Test Your Apps
4. TestDriven.io - Running Spark with Docker Swarm on DigitalOcean
5. Twilio Blog - Working with Environment Variables in Python
6. TestDriven.io - Serving Static Files from Flask with WhiteNoise and Amazon CloudFront
7. RealPython - Brython: Python in Your Browser
8. TestDriven.io - Running Flask on Docker Swarm
9. StackAbuse - Guide to Flask-MongoEngine in Python
10. Mateusz Mazurek - Co powinien umieć Junior Python Developer
11. TestDriven.io - Adding Charts to Django with Chart.js
12. RealPython - Python & APIs: A Winning Combo for Reading Public Data
13. Adam Johnson - Improve your Django experience with IPython
14. Twilio Blog - Build a Site with Flask and Twilio Verify for Users to Upload a File
15. BetterProgramming - 6 Essential Python Tuple Unpacking Techniques You Can Use

YouTube (7)
1. python: exception catching and isinstance gotcha (beginner - intermediate) anthony explains #247
2. NeuralNine - Factory Design Pattern - Advanced Python Tutorial #7
3. Pyplane - Deep Learning With PyTorch - Full Course
4. Pyplane - Simple introduction to args and kwargs | What are *args and kwargs
5. Kamil Brzeziński - Python - 5 projektów w 2h
6. testing output with pytest (beginner - intermediate) anthony explains #246
7. python: what is hashability? (intermediate) anthony explains #242

Podkasty (3)**
1. PythonBytes (#222) - Autocomplete with type annotations for AWS and boto3
2. Podcast._init_(#303) - Write Your Python Scripts In A Flow Based Visual Editor With Ryven
3. Talk Python To Me (#304) - asyncio all the things with Omnilib

Eventy/Meetupy (2)
1. Rozszerzenie Web Scrapingu w Pythonie - Warsztaty z Pythona z Dr Michałem Korzyckim i SKN Statystyki
2. Budowanie Pająków w Pythonie - Web Scraping w Praktyce z Dr Michałem Korzyckim i SKN Statystyki

Newslettery (1)
1. Django News (#64)

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