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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

recrudescence - nawrót [formal; a sudden new appearance and growth, especially of something dangerous and unpleasant]
There has been an unwelcome recrudescence of racist attacks.
jocund - pogodny, wesoły [marked by or suggestive of high spirits and lively mirthfulness]
Her jocund character made her the most popular girl in the county.
to ameliorate - poprawiać, polepszać [formal; to make a bad or unpleasant situation better]
Foreign aid is badly needed to ameliorate the effects of the drought.
to contort - wykrzywiać, wyginać [to become twisted or make something twisted out of its natural or normal shape]
His face was contorted with pain.
irksome - przykry, nieprzyjemny [formal; annoying or irritating]
The vibration can become irksome after a while.
misnomer - myląca nazwa, błędna nazwa [a name that does not suit what it refers to, or the use of such a name]
It's something of a misnomer to refer to these inexperienced boys as soldiers.
soothsayer - wieszcz, wróżbiarz [old use; a person who is believed to have the ability to know and tell what will happen in the future]
The soothsayers answered that it was an ill omen for it meant the destruction of the city and the death of many.
nether - dolny [literary or humorous; in a lower position]
The boiler room is somewhere down in the building's nether regions.
downpour - ulewa [a heavy fall of rain that often starts suddenly]
It is unforgivable that sewage works should overflow when there is a heavy downpour.
jumble - plątanina [an untidy and confused mixture of things, feelings, or ideas]
The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas.
fidelity - wierność [formal; honest or lasting support, or loyalty, especially to a sexual partner]
How important do you think sexual fidelity is in a marriage?
to holler - wrzeszczeć [informal; to shout loudly]
He was hollering something about seeing a snake.
tang - posmak, silny zapach [a strong, sharp taste or smell]
One has to say that this is due to the sharp tang of competition.
lawn - trawnik [an area of grass, especially near to a house or in a park, that is cut regularly to keep it short]
Will you mow the lawn at the weekend?
to mouth - powiedzieć bezgłośnie [to form words with the lips without making any sound]
It looks to me as if the singers are only mouthing the words.
bonus - idiom
play your cards right
If you play your cards right, you do all that is necessary in order to succeed or to obtain what you want.
If we play our cards right, we'll get the contract.

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GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

recrudescence - nawrót [formal; a sudden ne...

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