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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

to emanate - emanować, wydzielać [formal; to express a quality or feeling through the way that you look and behave]
Her face emanated sadness.
imperceptible - niedostrzegalny
She heard a faint, almost imperceptible cry.
lowland - nizina [flat land that is at, or not much higher than, sea level]
From the lowlands of the south to the rugged peaks in the north, this area has something for everyone.
prosthesis - proteza [an artificial body part, such as an arm, foot, or tooth, that replaces a missing part]
She was fitted with a prosthesis to replace her missing leg.
brigand - rozbójnik [a thief with a weapon, especially one of a group living in the countryside and stealing from people travelling through the area]
An example of brigand is a robber who steals from campers out for a hike.
morose - markotny [unhappy, annoyed, and unwilling to speak or smile]
Why are you so morose these days?
ecclesiastical - kościelny [formal; belonging to or connected with the Christian religion]
It was regarded as a model of ecclesiastical, patriotic eloquence.
allure - czar, wspaniałość [the quality of being attractive, interesting, or exciting]
The allure of the stage drew him back to acting.
transient - przelotny, przejściowy [formal; lasting for only a short time; temporary]
A glass of whisky has only a transient warming effect.
affliction - przypadłość, nieszczęście [something that makes you suffer]
Malnutrition is one of the common afflictions of the poor.
jest - żart [formal; something that is said or done in order to be funny]
His proposal was no jest - he was completely sincere.
to relish - rozkoszować się czymś [to like or enjoy something]
I always relish a challenge.
sordid - brudny, plugawy [dirty and unpleasant]
There are lots of really sordid apartments in the city's poorer areas.
bosom - biust [a woman's breasts]
She pressed him to her bosom.
ash - jesion
It would be absurd to enact that a proprietor should not cut down an ash tree or a tree of any kind.
bonus - idiom
black out
If you black out, you lose consciousness.
When Tony saw the needle in the doctor's hand, he blacked out.

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GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

to emanate - emanować, wydzielać [formal; t...

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