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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

rafter - krokiew [any of the large, sloping pieces of wood that support a roof]
This is then affixed to the end of the rafter in the middle of the front of the stage.
towelette - chusteczka nawilżana [a small square of wet paper, used especially for cleaning your face and hands with when there is no water available]
On the plane, the flight attendant brings you a towelette after your meal.
tyke - urwis [a child who behaves badly in a way that is funny rather than serious]
Come here, you cheeky little tyke!
behest - rozkaz, żądanie
Congress adopted the budget resolution at the behest of the president.
to entail - pociągać za sobą [formal]
Such a large investment inevitably entails some risk.
cordial - serdeczny
Relations between the two leaders are said to be cordial.
insatiable - nienasycony [(especially of a desire or need) too great to be satisfied]
Nothing, it seemed, would satisfy his insatiable curiosity.
grandeur - okazałość, wspaniałość [the quality of being very large and special or beautiful]
We were struck by the silent grandeur of the desert.
to evade - unikać, uchylać się [to avoid or escape from someone or something]
She leaned forward to kiss him but he evaded her by pretending to sneeze.
naught - nic (lub: cyfra zero)
Add two naughts and divide by two. All our efforts were for naught.
selfless - bezinteresowny [caring more for what other people need and want rather than for what you yourself need and want]
She’s a selfless person who is deeply concerned about social justice.
to forfeit - tracić [to lose the right to do or have something because you have broken a rule]
If you cancel now, you forfeit your deposit.
to sparkle - mienić się [to shine brightly because of reflected light]
Her eyes sparkled with excitement.
duct - kanał [a tube or pipe that carries liquid or air, especially in and out of buildings or through the body]
Most office buildings have dozens of air ducts and vents.
sermon - kazanie
We had to listen to a long sermon on the evils of wasting time.
bonus - idiom
once bitten twice shy
This is said by someone who has had an unpleasant experience which has made them more cautious.
I'm never going to get married again. Once bitten, twice shy!

Talia fiszek anki plik



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