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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

kirsch - wiśniówka
It is often topped off with a bit of kirsch.
cardiac arrest - zatrzymanie akcji serca
/ˌkɑːr.di.æk əˈrest/
He developed cardiac arrest and died on his way to hospital.
indolence - gnuśność, lenistwo [the state of showing no real interest or effort]
After a sudden burst of activity, the team lapsed back into indolence.
to kindle - rozpalać
Great literature kindled their imaginations.
to whittle - strugać [to make something from a piece of wood by cutting off small, thin pieces]
An old sailor sat on the dockside, whittling a toy boat.
overzealous - nadgorliwy [too enthusiastic and eager]
They were a little overzealous in eliminating risk.
sleaze - korupcja [dishonest or illegal behavior, especially by politicians or business people]
The sleaze factor was the major reason for his electoral defeat.
altercation - sprzeczka (głośna) [formal; a loud argument or disagreement]
A teenager got into an altercation with a police officer over a parking ticket.
contradiction - sprzeczność
You say that you're good friends and yet you don't trust him. Isn't that a contradiction?
prudent - roztropny [careful and avoiding risks]
It's always prudent to read a contract carefully before signing it.
frantic - oszalały [almost out of control because of extreme emotion, such as worry]
They made frantic attempts to revive him.
bleak - posępny, ponury [not encouraging or giving any reason to have hope]
The medical prognosis was bleak.
hose - wąż gumowy
Want me to get the rubber hose from the car?
dip - obniżenie powierzchni
I turned left to avoid the dip in the road.
to hatch - wylęgać się [(of an egg) open and produce a young animal]
The female must find a warm place to hatch her eggs.
bonus - idiom
behind the times
A person who is behind the times has old-fashioned ideas and does not keep up with modern life in general.
Jane doesn't have a mobile phone. She's completely behind the times.

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Pobierz GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

kirsch - wiśniówka
It is often topped...
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