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Nawet Polacy osmieszaja diete weglowodanowa

Zapamietajcie marksisci dietetyczni, dieta wysokotluszczowa odchudza najszybciej i najskuteczniej. xD

In summary, our study demonstrates the short-term, safety, tolerability and efficacy of a low-calorie ketogenic diet, including multi-vitamin complex supplementations, an interventional weight loss and IR prevention. This nutritional therapy intervention resulted in significant weight loss in all #!$%@?, along with marked amelioration of glycaemic control, as compared with a standard diet recommended by WHO or EFSA for obese and IR prevention. The long-term safety and efficacy of the proposed diet nutritional therapy strategy warrants further evaluation.


#dieta #dodzo #lchf #keto #nauka #medycyna
NooB1980 - Nawet Polacy osmieszaja diete weglowodanowa

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