Wpis z mikrobloga

Czy są tutaj zwolennicy #blinkist app ale tak jak ja są rozczarowani ogromnym podniesieniem cen?
Szukam osoby do kupienia konta na dwóch no bo promka jest ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

My apologies for the delayed reply! We have been doing some adjustments in our pricing so I will forward your feedback to our Product team for consideration.

Unfortunately, the 2for1 offer can't be combined with other discount offers so you won't be able to purchase two subscriptions at the discounted rate. What I can offer you is that you purchase the 2 for 1 option at the standard rate here and I will refund 20% of the payment back to your account once the charge has gone through.

I know it's not ideal but it's the only thing I can do on our end. Let me know if that would be an option for you.

Czyli $72 na dwóch.

#ksiazki #samorozwoj #wiedza #wolnyczas
bialy12 - Czy są tutaj zwolennicy #Blinkist app ale tak jak ja są rozczarowani ogromn...

źródło: comment_1592835557eaVWRx5s958ZCOLHjyzSNC.jpg

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