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Minneapolis, MN: forcing a reporter to the ground, then deliberately pepper-spraying him in the face at close range for sport
yeron - 29/x
Minneapolis, MN: forcing a reporter to the ground, then deliberately pe...
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Minneapolis, MN: shooting and arresting an unarmed reporter who's trying to comply with police orders
yeron - 30/x
Minneapolis, MN: shooting and arresting an unarmed reporter who's tryin...
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Philadelphia, PA: hitting a reporter and trying to knock down their camera to block them from filming as officers dogpile an unarmed black man
yeron - 31/x
Philadelphia, PA: hitting a reporter and trying to knock down their cam...
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Los Angeles, CA: LAPD tackling one unarmed protestor and indiscriminately beating others with their batons
yeron - 34/x
Los Angeles, CA: LAPD tackling one unarmed protestor and indiscriminate...
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New York City, NY: no video for this one, but NYPD arrested a reporter to stop him from covering the protests

New York City, NY: another without video, but NYPD arrested another reported and kept him in jail for 6 hours

[Arresting someone for blocking traffic that the police had already blocked was tried in Durham back during the Jose Huerta protests too]
yeron - 36/x
New York City, NY: no video for this one, but NYPD arrested a reporter ...

źródło: comment_1591352780ScICL4xtSblNiX93Uv5FzB.jpg

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Los Angeles, CA: police attack John Cusack for filming

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals was the first – in 1995, decades ago – that there's a First Amendment-guaranteed right to record public police activity
yeron - 39/x
Los Angeles, CA: police attack John Cusack for filming 

The 9th Circ...
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Seattle, WA: police arrest a protestor using the same knee-on-neck technique used to murder #georgefloyd

Another protestor yells "GET YOUR FUCKING KNEE OFF HIS NECK" – at which point the *other* officer forcibly moves the first officer's leg
yeron - 41/x
Seattle, WA: police arrest a protestor using the same knee-on-neck tech...
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@yeron Fajne zestawienie, chociaż niektóre lekko naciągane. W sensie widziałem troche filmików z "wjeżdżaniem w tłum" i zawsze sie zastanawiam jak powinni sie zachowywać kierowcy kiedy wściekły tłum otacza samochód i zaczyna w niego np walić. Albo chociażby specjalnie toruje drogę.

W każdym razie takie posty są fajne żeby pokazać co się tam dzieje oprócz rozrób i pokojowych przemarszów. Przydałyby się jeszcze informacje/przypadki o ludziach poszkodowanych przez protestujących.
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W sensie widziałem troche filmików z "wjeżdżaniem w tłum" i zawsze sie zastanawiam jak powinni sie zachowywać kierowcy kiedy wściekły tłum otacza samochód i zaczyna w niego np walić. Albo chociażby specjalnie toruje drogę.

W sumie to nie wiem, w tych paru sytuacjach wydaje się, że mieli możliwość wycofania się zamiast jechać na przód.

W każdym razie takie posty są fajne żeby pokazać co się tam dzieje oprócz rozrób i pokojowych przemarszów. Przydałyby się jeszcze informacje/przypadki o ludziach poszkodowanych
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Minneapolis, MN: police threaten to "bake" a reporter for filming them, as he claims journalists are "the problem"
yeron - 42/x
Minneapolis, MN: police threaten to "bake" a reporter for filming them,...
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Cleveland, OH: police beating assorted protestors outside their justice building, including one officer swinging his baton in front of him back and forth like a f*cking moron
yeron - 44/x
Cleveland, OH: police beating assorted protestors outside their justice...
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Minneapolis, MN: police shoot rubber bullets and teargas at a reporter and his crew, as they're broadcasting live on-air
yeron - 46/x
Minneapolis, MN: police shoot rubber bullets and teargas at a reporter ...
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Minneapolis, MN: police deliberately target a CBS crew, shooting the sound engineer with a rubber bullet

"They're sighting us in, dude!"

Notice the reporters are *nowhere near* any protestors or police
yeron - 47/x
Minneapolis, MN: police deliberately target a CBS crew, shooting the so...
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