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#arkt #art #scifi

(...)was false informations and cover-stories. There was very few documented intrusions near populated areas, especially during the second world war. The ICSU was still in operation but lacked the proper support to cover all the known areas. One night in 1940, something came out of an unrecorded intrusion area deep in the Norwegian Sea. It managed to reach land before it was destroyed. It was taken down by the ICSU agents acting as officers for the local allied forces. The giant arthropod was taken down, burned and buried in an anonymous field near the coast, around Bergen, Norway. Reports were removed from the official military records, and most of the young soldiers that took part of the operation died within the next weeks or months on the battlefield. Very few men were alive after the war to tell the tale. And traumatic shock from the war was the easiest explanation for the one that managed to hear the witnesses. The giant creature was understood as a metaphor for the Axis forces walking over Norway. - ICSU Archives
FlaszGordon - #arkt #art #scifi
 (...)was false informations and cover-stories. There...

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