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Amerykańscy najemnicy próbowali dostać się do Wenezueli. Ich celem było opanowanie lotniska do czasu aż inna grupa porwie prezydenta Maduro i wywiezie go do USA.

O co chodzi? Proponuję przeczytać o Zatoce Świń.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said that evidence will soon reveal the US leader himself was behind the failed incursion attempt, noting that Washington severed all remaining ties with Caracas thereafter.

In an interview with Uruguayan reporter Jorge Gestoso on Thursday evening, Maduro said the freshly-appointed Ambassador James Story – the first formal US envoy to the country in some 10 years – and other senior American officials were to blame for last weekend’s attempted raid, in which two US security contractors were arrested and eight local fighters killed.

“James Story has his feet, his hands and his whole body in this armed incursion,” the socialist leader said, adding that declassified documents would soon provide proof, while implicating Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Special Envoy to Venezuela Elliot Abrams.

The evidence will also show US President Donald Trump “personally ordered” the “covert operation,” he added.

[Link [eng]](https://www.rt.com/news/488090-maduro-washington-cut-contact/).

Na zdjęciu prezydent Wenezueli Maduro.

#wenezuela #usa #wojna #amerykapoludniowa #najemnicy #geopolityka
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