Wpis z mikrobloga

Kogo testuje się w Korei Południowej, stawianej jako wzór do naśladowania.
Suspected Cases
- A person who develops a fever or respiratory symptoms (coughing, difficulty breathing, etc.) within 14 days of coming into contact with a confirmed patient

Patients Under Investigation
① A person who is suspected of having the COVID-19 virus as per doctor’s diagnosis of pneumonia of unknown causes.
② A person who develops a fever (37.5℃ and above) or respiratory symptoms (coughing, difficulty breathing, etc.) within 14 days of travelling overseas
③ A person with an epidemiologic link to a collective outbreak of COVID-19 in Korea and develops a fever (37.5℃ and above) or respiratory symptoms (coughing, difficulty breathing, etc.) within 14 days.

Może mi ktoś powiedzieć czym to się różni od zasad testowania w naszym kraju? Bo chyba u nas to łatwiej o test niż tam:)

#koronawirus #medycyna
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