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Jak dobry był Jim Clark?
Możliwie jednym z najlepszych a zdecydowanie najskuteczniejszych kierowców w historii F1

Today would have the been the 84th birthday of the great Jim Clark, here’s some analysis to understand just how good he was:

If we exclude his first two seasons (where he was inexperienced, and the car wasn’t competitive). Clark retired from 23 of the 58 races he started after that (almost all of them were due to mechanical failures). Of the remaining 35 races, he won 25 of them. The 10 races where he finished but didn’t win are:

-Netherlands 1962: Clark was comfortably leading but clutch issues dropped him to the back of field, he finished 10 laps down due to this.

-Germany 1962: Fuel pump issues saw Clark drop down to 26th place at the start, but he made a stunning comeback and finished 4th.

-Germany 1963: Clark was in a race long battle with John Surtees when his engine went down to just 7 cylinders and made him coast home in 2nd place. (Only time he ever finished 2nd!)

-USA 1963: Clark was already a lap down by the end of lap 1 because of a dead battery that was discovered on the grid. He made a great recovery and finished P3.

-Italy 1965: Clark was battling for the win with Stewart and Hill before his fuel pump failed on lap 64. He retired but was still classified 10th.

-Netherlands 1966: Lotus had a very weak car in 1966, but despite that Clark was able to battle with the dominant Brabhams early on and even lead the race. However, he had a water pump failure and finished 2 laps down.

-Britain 1966: Clark battled with Graham Hill for 2nd place for most of the race, before having to make an additional pit stop due to fading brakes. He finished in 4th.

-Belgium 1967: Clark was leading by 20 seconds before he had to come into the pits for a plug change, which cost him about 2 minutes. He finished a lap down in 6th place.

-Italy 1967: An early puncture saw Clark get lapped by the entire field. But Clark first unlapped himself from everyone and then passed everyone again to take the lead. However, his fuel system failed on the last lap and dropped him to 3rd place. Clark’s performance here is widely regarded as the greatest F1 drive of all time, along with Juan Manuel Fangio at Germany in 1957.

As you can see, the only thing that could stop Clark winning was the reliability of his car. He won 25 times but only ever finished second once.

#f1 #ciekawostki #f1pro
Shewie - Ciekawostka:
Jak dobry był Jim Clark? 
Możliwie jednym z najlepszych a zde...

źródło: comment_1583328191RhYbNo5IYuXUTTmfKO211k.jpg

  • 12
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@Shewie: quality content.

Wszytkim polecam segment w The Grand Tour który również pokazuje skalę jego geniuszu. Miałem olbrzymią fascynację Jimem jakiś czas temu i to jest jednej z niewielu przykładów w życiu w którym im więcej wiesz tym pod większym wrażeniem jesteś.
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@Shewie: tak na prawdę w całej historii F1 czyli zgodnie z ewangelią wg św. Berniego od 1950r. najważniejsze pytanie personalne brzmi, kto był lepszy - Fangio czy Clark. Do dziś nie potrafię na nie odpowiedzieć.
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@barystoteles: Zachodzi jednak pytanie czy można oceniać ich tak jak współczesnych kierowców. W sensie czy gdyby wsadzic ich do współczesnych maszyn to okazałoby się, że są ledwie przeciętniakami
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@jedlin12: nie da się zwłaszcza, że Fangio w ogóle nie ścigał się w monokokach a Clark zmarł zanim docisk aero zrobił rewolucję w F1. Można tylko na tle ich rzeczywistej konkurencji. Warto odnotować, że w tamtych czasach poziom profesjonalizmu sportowego był znacznie niższy ale z drugiej strony Jimmy był po prostu farmerem, który lubił się ścigać. W kategorii tzw. naturalnego talentu był chyba najlepszy. Umiał być piekielnie szybki praktycznie we wszystkim,
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