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Google translate

He's a fat bald guy, I never know Wojtila.
Shoot a lot of bullshit the biggest ever heard Wojtila.
But who cares about you, but who cares about you.
He doesn't want us to fuck if he doesn't help to procreate Wojtila.
If you are a fagot, I salute you, God does not love you, you are fucking Wojtila.
What the fuck are you saying! what the fuck are you saying!
Jesus Christ did not say it is you who are all mad Wojtila.
The gospel misrepresented by an asshole of a prelate Wojtila.
Return to Poland, return to Poland. Pig God (x8)
Nun is breaking our cock, nun is breaking our cock.
Let's tear down the Vatican and demolish it slowly. Pig God.
Let's kill all the priests then the nuns and priests. Pig God.
Then everyone in hell to see a good porn movie.
Pig God and Our Lady all the angels in Wojtila column.
Our Lady was pedaling God as much as Wojtila spun.
Go to Patagonia, go back to Poland.
He's a fat bald guy, I never know Wojtila.

#2137 #wykopobrazapapieza
#cenzopapa #cenzoitaliano
Bzdziuch - Google translate

He's a fat bald guy, I never know Wojtila.
Shoot a lo...
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