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Przy tych plotkach dotyczących ewentualnego przejścia Hulkenberga do Haasa niektórzy absolutnie wykluczają tę opcję, bo by się zagryźli. A tu wywiad sprzed tygodnia:

The public dispute with Nico Hülkenberg in Budapest in 2017 has made big headlines. How is your relationship with him today?

Magnussen: I wouldn't say we have a relationship. We are opponents on the track. We are not friends. Of course I have a lot of respect for his driving achievements. He's very talented, a complete rider. I really have nothing against him.

Can you laugh about the confrontation today?

Magnussen: This whole episode, and the fact that I'm still being asked about it today, shows what's wrong in this media world. I understand why, of course. I can understand that people click on such stories. But if it hadn't been recorded by cameras back then, Nico and I wouldn't even think about it today. That was completely overrated. My final word is simply that my respect for Nico is great and I have nothing against him personally. I don't know him as a person. But I haven't heard anyone talk badly about him. Point.

z wywiadu dla AMuS (po niemiecku)
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