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Człowiek z Bocksten, 1290–1430. Zachowały się częściowo płuca, wątroba, mózg i trochę chrząstki.

"The man was 170–180 centimetres (67–71 in) tall and of slender build. There is an injury covering about 8 by 5 centimetres (3 in × 2 in) on the right side of the cranium. Of the inner organs, parts of the lungs, liver and brain as well as cartilage are preserved.

The tunic is among the best-preserved medieval tunics in Europe, and made of woollen fabric. He was wearing a gugel hood with a 90 centimetres (35 in) long and 2 centimetres (0.79 in) wide liripipe ("tail"). On his upper body he wore a shirt and a cloak, while his legs were covered by hosiery.

Apart from the clothing he had a fabric bag, foot coverings, leather shoes, a belt, a leather sheath and two knives.

The leather sheath was 40 millimetres (1.6 in) wide and 62 millimetres (2.4 in) long, composed of three layers with a combined saltire and St George's Cross (thus giving a pattern similar to Union Jack) carved on the outer layer. On the inner layer a similar pattern was carved, though this time a pole was added to the symbol.

The man had been impaled to the lake bed with two poles; one of oak that hit his heart and one of beech which went through his back. "


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Pobierz myrmekochoria - Człowiek z Bocksten, 1290–1430. Zachowały się częściowo płuca, wątrob...
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