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Dzisiaj, wieku 82 lat zmarł Peter Hill-Wood - wieloletni prezes Arsenalu, którą to funkcję pełnił tak jak jego ojciec i dziadek, oddany fan, wspierający Davida Deina i jedna z osób współodpowiedzialnych z przekształcenia "boring, boring Arsenal" na jak wygląda dzisiaj klub. Za jego rządów Kanonierzy zdobyli 5 tytułów mistrza kraju, 2 puchary ligi i 5 Anglii. Arsenal w meczach z Liverpoolem i Fulham zagra z czarnymi opaskami.

I am very sad to hear that Mr Peter Hill-Wood passed away. We all had a huge respect for the way he carried the values of Arsenal through the generations. He guided the club with vision, courage and intelligence. We will miss him deeply.

~ Arsene Wenger

Peter was a rare and special man in so many ways. He was intelligent, with an infectious humour that he shared with us all. He was an Arsenal man through and through, and much of what the club stands for today is owed to Peter and the Hill-Wood family with whom I have had the honour of sharing my own life with since boyhood. He will be sadly missed by all of us that were privileged to know him.

~ Ken Friar

Very sad to hear the passing of Peter Hill-Wood today. Many fond memories of him from my time Arsenal and I wish his family and friends great strength over this difficult time.

~ Thierry Henry

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Pustulka - Dzisiaj, wieku 82 lat zmarł Peter Hill-Wood - wieloletni prezes Arsenalu, ...

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