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Phil Bath, Składowisko (numer 41) myśliwców Lockheed P-38 Lightning, USA 1946 rok

"Thousands upon thousands of gallant war birds which fought America’s battles in the skies over Europe and the Pacific are coming to a broad desert plateau five miles from here to die among the cactus and sagebrush. Covering five square miles and stretching for six and one-half miles along U.S. Highway 66, more than 7,000 retired Army bombers, fighters and training planes are parked row on row at the old Kingman Army Airfield, now Storage Depot 41 of the War Assets Administration. In no other place in the world, said Carl W. Berg, supervisor of the depot, have so many aircraft been concentrated in one area at one time. Billions of dollars–and untold heroic victories in the clouds–are represented in the acres of fighting ships glinting in the Arizona sunshine.Many of the ships with low flying time will be sold intact, either to be flown or to be salvaged for commercial ventures. But thousands more, the “war-weary” battlers of the blue, are being stripped of their equipment and will be crushed into scrap metal. The planes began arriving from all points of the world last Oct. 10. During last December, one a minute landed at the depot, formerly a flexible gunnery training base with an Army population of 17,000 officers and men. …

Some of the big, four-engined ships limp in from overseas bases with one or two engines dead, barely arriving at their final resting place in one piece. A few, however, come almost directly off production lines, brand-spanking new – “boot” planes without a chance to show the world a combat record. When they land, the Army obtains a release from the W.A.A., the blue-and-white United States insignia is painted out and they are taxied through the mesquite to await their fate. Originally, 20,000 aircraft of all sorts were expected at the depot, but a month ago Army authorities reduced deactivation of planes to a trickle. The tense world situation was said to have influenced this decision.

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myrmekochoria - Phil Bath, Składowisko (numer 41) myśliwców Lockheed P-38 Lightning, ...

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