Wpis z mikrobloga

Czesz Polska! My Name is Julia Reda, I am a member of the European Parliament for the Pirate Party, and on Tuesday, August 28th, I will do an AMA at 18:30 CET.

Right now my work focuses on the ongoing copyright reform, including trying to prevent the introduction of an ancillary copyright (art 11, also known as the #linktax) and mandatory upload filters (article 13, also known as #censorshipmachines). You might have heard about the discussion under the #acta2 or #saveyourinternet hashtags as well.

I look forward to hearing your questions!
juliaredamep - Czesz Polska! My Name is Julia Reda, I am a member of the European Par...

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@juliaredamep: Hi Julia, thanks for the AMA. My main question is, what are the real chances that this new reform might be introduced? There has been a lot of negative feedback from people around EU and I am wondering if this has any real impact on the “decisive body” in the parliament.
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@juliaredamep Wykop is... strange. Remember about this during the AMA. And welcome. It's good to see the voice of internet in european parlament.
Sorry for mistakes, but i cannot speak english well.
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