Wpis z mikrobloga

Czesz Polska! My Name is Julia Reda, I am a member of the European Parliament for the Pirate Party, and on Tuesday, August 28th, I will do an AMA at 18:30 CET.

Right now my work focuses on the ongoing copyright reform, including trying to prevent the introduction of an ancillary copyright (art 11, also known as the #linktax) and mandatory upload filters (article 13, also known as #censorshipmachines). You might have heard about the discussion under the #acta2 or #saveyourinternet hashtags as well.

I look forward to hearing your questions!
juliaredamep - Czesz Polska! My Name is Julia Reda, I am a member of the European Par...

źródło: comment_pu8htGJr2qLhEB0T1bbUrMym5ME8FZj6.jpg

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@juliaredamep: you should do the ama through the wykopalisko/main page not mikroblog. click dodaj, then napisz artykuł na wykop.pl (on the right) but do that right before the start of the ama or it will get buried. welcome and ignore the trolls
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@trampek: nic Ci to raczej nie da. Jest piątek okolice 14:30, oni już czekają do wyjścia. Zobacz co się dzieje w nocy, albo w święta. Zanim ktoś zareaguje potrafią minąć godziny i niestety dlatego ten portal tak wygląda :(
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@juliaredamep it could be really good AMA, but seriously - be prepare for dumb questions, and a lots of idiotic posts with no sens for you.

reddit AMA is not the same as wykop AMA.

And remember. Wykop isn't very good representation of the Polish nation, and whole country. This site is very specific, even for us (users). A lots of irony, big number of trolls who just wanna make some
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@juliaredamep: Hey Julia! Welcome to Wykop.

You should contact @wykop administration for getting your account verified and as soon as it's done, do an AMA on the main page - make a new AMA entry in the Znalezisko section and wait for it to be boosted onto the main page.

@m__b @a__s should be able to help you and explain the basics of how Wykop works -
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@juliaredamep: mam dylemat: firma zaproponowała dla mnie 8-9k/mies (branża it) z tym że od razu zaznaczyli że od pięćdziesiątki w zeszyt do całości za hajs, co myślicie? Jak na Białystok to dużo, ja nawet zgodziłbym sie na te 30 w całości do książki i za pieniądze do wydani

Can You answers? IT is so important in ACTA thread
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