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Tesla zatrudniła Ian'a Kettle który odpowiada m.in. za projekt SUV'a XC40 w Volvo.

Yesterday, Auto Express suspected that Tesla hired Ian Kettle, a Senior Exterior Designer at Volvo, in a role at Tesla’s Design Studio in Los Angeles.

Kettle has indeed joined the team led by Franz von Holzhausen, Tesla’s Chief Designer, and Bernard Lee, Tesla’s longtime manager of exterior design.

He will join Tesla’s other exterior car designer, like Julien Bilodeau and WooTak Kim who came from Porsche and Mazda respectively a few years ago.

Kettle is best known for having led the exterior design of XC40 SUV, which has been praised by many car design experts:


Ciekawe czy zdąży coś dodać od siebie do Modelu Y czy może jest to wskazówka, iż Tesla planuje jakieś inne nowe SUV'y?

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anon-anon - Tesla zatrudniła Ian'a Kettle który odpowiada m.in. za projekt SUV'a XC40...

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