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Redditors who grew up poor, what were things you thought were "normal" as a child that were actually a result of your economic status?

I świetna lalka w odpowiedzi:

My parents are now fairly middle-middle class, but they were so poor my dad had to go to work the day I was born. He worked a few jobs, my mom was a stay at home mom because childcare prices are crazy. I asked for a Cinderella doll one year for Christmas. I was expecting a plastic one from a store and I instead got a homemade one that my mom made. It was actually quite cool, it was a fabric doll that was dressed up in a ragged dress and you flipped it over and she had her hair up and was wearing earrings and a fancy dress. This doll is how I learned that Santa was my parents, because I recognized the fabric from other projects my mom was making. I still have that doll.

Also I was a tiny kid and took forever to start growing. I'm not sure where they got my clothes but my mom would sew in an elastic into my pants because there was just no belts that were small enough for me and I guess they couldn't afford new pants that would fit me. My mom still likes to make stuff. I recently wore through some bedsheets and she kept it so she can make a rug out of it.

The doll in question https://i.imgur.com/oGKeQmL.gif [wrzuciłem jako obrazek]

Edit because I thought of something else: for Christmas Santa would bring my brother and I a basket of treats that we weren't usually allowed, like sugary cereals and dunkaroos and juice boxes. I can't remember if we got anything else besides stocking stuff but that was Santa's big present to us for years. Its more expensive than regular food that we got but probably still cheaper than a lot of toys. I don't remember what toys I got, but I remember the excitement at seeing that basket of cereal. This started when my dad landed a good steady job but weren't financially stable, but I thought it needed to be included because I still think it's was a smart present. No matter what financial situation I end up in when I have kids I will be passing that along to do with them.


#rekodzielo #handmade #viareddit
Deykun - Na redicie było pytanie.
Redditors who grew up poor, what were things you th...

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