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#angielskiztuskiem #angielski #kiciochpyta #pytanie #pytaniedoeksperta Rzuci ktoś okiem na ewentualne błedy jezykowe gramatyczne w tym wypracowaniu?

Everyone can be a Super Hero

At the end of last year, Me and my friend Gabi organised mini Christmas market in our school to help childrens from care home. We did Christmas tree decorations and delicious little cakes with pieces of pineapple. Doing this was amazing time for us. We sold out everything in one hour, and our teacher call to Mr president of our city, he gave 1000 PLN for our activity and He said: Czchów need more enterprising teenager. we rich 1500 PLN and Ms . (nazwissko twojej wwychowawczyni) send all money to childreen witch needed smile in this beautiful Christmas time.
It was a nice feeling to help someone which certainly deserves it. In a few months we will do it on a larger scale
  • 5
@fromGtoK: (...)to help children from care home.

Nie wiem w jakim kontekście jest care home? Sierociniec?

We made Christmas tree decorations (...) cakes with pineapple pieces, brzmi jakoś lepiej ;)

(...) out teacher called Mr president, he gave us 1000 PLN for out activity and he said: Czchów needs more enterprising teenagers.

We gathered (bo przypuszczam, że chodzi o zebranie pieniędzy) 1500 PLN and Ms. sent all money to
@fromGtoK: Poza tym

At the end of last year

At the end of the last year

, Me and my friend

, me and my friend



Doing this was amazing time for us.

Doing this was an amazing time for us.

We sold out everything in one hour, and our teacher call to Mr president of our city, he gave 1000 PLN for our activity and He