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My name is Wes and my girlfriend is Felicia and we are currently traveling through Poland.

We make travel videos on our Youtube channel Feather and the Wind and we recently just published a video on the beautiful city of Tarnów and the next city will be Katowice.

Last year we met up with one of our viewers Arek @starface. He showed us some unique spots in Warszawa and he also shared our first video of Poland on Wykop which gave us a lot of traffic to our videos.

Now we have more Polish viewers on our channel than anywhere else and we are currently exploring more of Poland in hopes of learning more about the culture, history and food.

We’ve been getting great feedback on there but would love to hear what people have to say on Wykop. We will be returning in the Spring for our third trip to Poland and would love hear of any recommendations or thoughts you guys might have to make our journey better.

Thank you

#youtube #podroze #tarnow #turystyka #polska #podrozujzwykopem
Feathernandthewind - Hey!

My name is Wes and my girlfriend is Felicia and we are c...
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