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Żelazny model "szkieletu" z książki Girolama Fabrizio "Opera Chirurgica", Padwa 1753. Używany jako pomoc naukowea w określaniu ruchu kończyn czy stawów. Sama figurka wygląda słodko, jak robot z "9".

"The iron model showing the joints of a skeleton is very similar to the illustration in Fabricius’s 'Opera Chirurgica', his ‘Surgical Works’, first published in 1582. The model was possibly used to teach pupils about limb articulation as well as limb dislocation, injuries to limb joints and their subsequent treatment. Hieronymus Fabricius ab Aquadependente (c1553-1619) was professor of anatomy at the University of Padua, Italy, from 1565. This edition of the work was published in Padua in 1723."


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myrmekochoria - Żelazny model "szkieletu" z książki Girolama Fabrizio "Opera Chirurgi...

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