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Salman Abedi was born in Manchester on New Year's Eve 1994. His parents were Libyans who had fled, after becoming opponents of Colonel Gaddafi's repressive regime.

Having spent a few years in London, the family moved to Manchester where his father used to do the call to prayer at a mosque in Didsbury.

Abedi went to school in Manchester and to Salford University before dropping out. And friends remember him as a good footballer, a keen supporter of Manchester United and a user of cannabis.

He has a sister and two brothers. His mother and father are now believed to be back living in Libya, and for a while he left Britain too, but he returned in the last few days - apparently to carry out the worst bombing in Britain since the 7 July 2005 attacks on the London Underground.


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Pobierz AssLover - > Salman Abedi was born in Manchester on New Year's Eve 1994. His parents ...
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