Wpis z mikrobloga

Idiocratic coup: The old and Ill-informed of our country has led to a post-fact society in which conjecture and rhetoric can aid someone in rising to power.


Year is at least 2010

Country is a democracy

Country has embraced The Internet

Monthly Progress starts if:

Religious Unity is less than 95%

Has a stability of less than 2

Media estate has more than 75% influence and less than 80% loyalty

Monthly Progress:

+2.0% if country is bankrupt

+1.0% if country is more than 500B ducats in debt

+2.0% if country is more than 1T ducats in debt

+1.0% if country is paying more than 350M ducats in diplomatic fees

+1.0% if country has Crusade modifier

+1.0% if ruler is Tolerant

+1.5% for every non-accepted culture with over 10% of development

Monthly Progress halts if:

Has less debt than 250B ducats

And any one of the following is true:

Religious Unity is at least 110%

Has an ongoing disaster

Stability is at least 3

Would have the following effects:

-3 Stability

Current ruler resigns

If country is NOT in the EU:

The event "Make $COUNTRY$ Great Again!" happens

If country is in the EU:

The event "$COUNTRY$ Leaves the European Union" happens

#eu4 #europkowememy #polityka
  • 9
@Arke: Takimi rzeczami prowokujesz polityczną dyskusje na tagu który jest do dyskusji o grze a nie o polityce. Póki co panuje tu przyjazna atmosfera, ale jak się będziemy kłócić o politykę to się skończy.
@Myrten mam zaufanie do członków tagu, i wierzę że umieją zachować chociaż trochę dystansu. Uwierz mi, że nie wstawiłbym tego, gdybym miał obawę że ybuchnie polityczna dyskusja