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Na jego setne urodziny, Variety przeprowadziło megaciekawy wywiad z Kirkiem Douglasem - o przeszłości i przyszłości, o jego kłótniach z Kubrickiem i ratowaniu oskarżonych o komunizm twórców. Jednak jeden fragment najbardziej zapada w pamięć:

Douglas turns suddenly somber. “I am now a hundred years old. I read about Hollywood, and I don’t know the people. Where is Burt? Where is Laurence Olivier? They’re all gone. I miss them. I feel lonely."

Ale to jedyna, dosyć refleksyjna chwila od Douglasa, bowiem cała reszta jest utrzymana w pozytywnym tonie

As the conversation winds down, he asks, “Is my speech OK? I didn’t realize when I reached a hundred years old I would be doing interviews. I thought by now I would relax, and I’m doing more interviews than I used to. So whatever it is you’re doing here is unknown to me,” he says with mock annoyance.

“But I think now it’s time for me to relax.”

Then he concludes with a big smile. “We’re doing this again when I’m 200.”

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