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#kuba #gospodarka #neuropa #4konserwy
Od lat 70 Kuba ma stały wzrost PKB, a bieda jest redukowana. Obecnie Kuba jest w czołówce wśród krajów Ameryki Łacińskiej jeśli chodzi o PKB na głowę (właściwie jeśli się liczy według parytetu siły nabywczej, bo nominalnie ma niższy) i wskaźnik rozwoju społecznego HDI.

Redukcja biedy następowała w przeszłości z opóźnieniem z powodu sankcji nałożonych na Kubę przez USA

Since the 1970’s and until today, the level of GDP per capita in Cuba has constantly been growing, while the level of poverty has constantly been reduced. As of today, Cuba ranks among the best Latin American countries in terms of GDP per capita and Human Development Index. Stability in Cuba’s positions in those rankings is ensured by the effective measures implemented by the state’s government.

The 1959 Cuban Revolution drastically changed the political and economic structure of the country. The revolution found great support among the population, as, prior to it, under the republican form of government, the population of Cuba had been living in conditions of great poverty, and no effective measures were implemented by the state’s government to overcome those negative effects. The level of unemployment in the country was extremely high, and most people eve didn’t have access to primary resources such as safe housing or electricity. Due to this, people supported ascension of communists to power, hoping to change the situation for the better. The new economic policies run by the Cuban authorities indeed helped improve the situation. However, the first successes only came in ten years, as they had first been restricted by the US embargo imposed on Cuba in 1960. This embargo played a very negative role for the Cuban population, contributing to the very high level of poverty. It still exists as of today, and represents a great burden for Cuba’s citizens.

"Poverty in Cuba" Alexandru Lupan (Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna w Pradze)

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