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How I met him?

Just 1 month after coming to Norway. I met him in 1 website. I start chatting with @local-goodness. After maybe 1 or 2 weeks talking with each other decided to finally meet him in person.

Wasn't even on my plan to go for a friendly date (It just happen) Since he's 100 percent stranger.

First thing I ask was if he's a Muslim.
The reason behind why I ask is I don't want to be with a muslim guy. So then I think that info was enough to start being friends.

After few weeks and few intense night.
I began talking about him with my friends. And they're not so happy about that because they have a very bad impressions about Polish people.

Some of them told me,
~ Don't be with polish guy because they just come to Norway and after earning enough money, They'll go back to Poland.
~ Don't be with polish guy because they are thieves.
~ Mostly of polish guys have family in Poland.
~You can never trust them.
~ Bad people. Etc

But of course I didn't listen since I know what I see from his actions. I start liking him until we ended up being together.

#zwiazki #feels #norwegia #azjatki #pokazmorde
xchristinex - #meandhim
How I met him? 

Just 1 month after coming to Norway. I met h...

źródło: comment_h7ewb7WEb5qN4CaPfp9o5bGvH7wpP817.jpg

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Good evening. Something happened ... something went wrong and I was not heard, then I'll say again. KPI Centipede election result is a failure, I think it's Polish, stupid whore society, the whore bunch of imbeciles who voted on these fuckers Roaches from PiS whore is some... misunderstanding. If so mean to you ... if you so much for you to say, people such social engagement, like mine where
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@xchristinex: I am disgusted by the comments below your post. Keep in mind that at this website you will find lots of losers locked up in a basement, wannnabes funny, throwing poor jokes and shit. I think we should welcome you nicely but all they care about is attention cause they have none in real life. Looking forward to see more your posts. NA NA night
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@rad00: that is so kind of you. (ʘʘ)
Ya, I see some people here keeps on putting shitty things. But thats okay. As long as they're comfortable doing that. () And yes. I will make more posts. :)
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@xchristinex: you can't be blamed. Even polish girls aren't very fond of Polish guys. So just let that sink in..You can get a taste of their 'kindness' on here xD
Btw, half of my family is from the Philippines.:3
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I met him in 1 website.

What kind of website it was?

Some of them told me,

~ Don't be with polish guy because they just come to Norway and after earning enough money, They'll go back to Poland.

~ Don't be with polish guy because they are thieves.
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