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How I met him?

Just 1 month after coming to Norway. I met him in 1 website. I start chatting with @local-goodness. After maybe 1 or 2 weeks talking with each other decided to finally meet him in person.

Wasn't even on my plan to go for a friendly date (It just happen) Since he's 100 percent stranger.

First thing I ask was if he's a Muslim.
The reason behind why I ask is I don't want to be with a muslim guy. So then I think that info was enough to start being friends.

After few weeks and few intense night.
I began talking about him with my friends. And they're not so happy about that because they have a very bad impressions about Polish people.

Some of them told me,
~ Don't be with polish guy because they just come to Norway and after earning enough money, They'll go back to Poland.
~ Don't be with polish guy because they are thieves.
~ Mostly of polish guys have family in Poland.
~You can never trust them.
~ Bad people. Etc

But of course I didn't listen since I know what I see from his actions. I start liking him until we ended up being together.

#zwiazki #feels #norwegia #azjatki #pokazmorde
Pobierz xchristinex - #meandhim
How I met him? 

Just 1 month after coming to Norway. I met h...
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