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#4konserwy #zydzi

Ofiara marksistowsko-żydowskich kłamstw
Wywiad z nim zrobiony przez Stefana Molenuxa

In 2011 Nyborg published "The Decay of Western Civilization: Double Relaxed Darwinian Selection"[19] in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, arguing that Denmark was likely to experience a dysgenic effect on intelligence due to immigration from the Middle East. Following publication he was again indicted by the Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty, accused of scientific misconduct and of plagiarism by a number of scholars from the University of Aarhus. They accused him of using a statistical model for the demographic prognoses that was based on the work of Jørn Ebbe Vig, without giving credit, and for using misleading statistics by assuming that Middle Eastern people in Denmark maintained the same reproduction rates as in their countries of origin. Vig had previously published similar demographic models in the journal of a Danish right wing group.[20][21][22][23]

On 31 October 2013 he was convicted of scientific misconduct by the Danish Council for Scientific Misconduct after a 2-year investigation concerning his paper The decay of Western civilization: Double relaxed Darwinian selection[5] published in Personality and Individual Differences. They found him guilty on 2 charges, out of 6 in total of which the last was 'various other complaints'. The first was that he had published the paper without crediting Jørn Ebbe Vig as co-author, whose previously published texts were incorporated into the article without acknowledgement. The UVVU considered that Vig should have been credited, because of the substantial contribution, in terms of data, method and text. Nyborg stated that he had offered co-authorship to Vig, but that the offer was refused and Vig had requested not to be mentioned, making Nyborg choose to publish it himself. The second charge was that Nyborg had neglected to mention in the methodology section that he had converted a total fertility rate into a crude birth rate, a mistake which due to its consequences the UVVU considered to be equivalent to constructing data without acknowledging having done so, or substituting fictive data. When Nyborg learned that this was a problem, he sent an addendum to the journal, which is common practice when errors or omissions are found in published papers. However, the UVVU still considered it scientific misconduct, since they considered it an example of gross negligence.[24] In 2015 the journal published an editorial commenting on the paper and concluding that Nyborg did not commit fraud or plagiarism.[25]

Pamiętaj goju, badania IQ poszczególnych ras są zakazane wg. narzuconej światu zachodniemu konwencji UN z 1948 r. Nie daj boże wyszłoby że np. murzyni z Afryki mają iq równe 70 i że odpowiada za to genotyp, czyli twarda biologia.
To świetnie pokazuje jakim ściekiem jest przepełnione przez żydolewactwo środowisko naukowe. Ukrywanie prawdy w imię ideologii, w imię swojego projektu politycznego który chcę zniszczyć białą rasę. Ci ludzie mają krew na rękach.
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