Wpis z mikrobloga

@chilling: @glowa-do-wycierania: (props za nick ;d) @Xanthia:

Ej @mucha100a @posuck @lifelike @padobar @Foresight i inni chodźcie stworzymy ultimate listę prog albumów!

Ja zacznę

Kolejność przypadkowa:

Mike Oldfierld - Tubular Bells(!); Hergest Ridge
Genesis - Selling England by The Pound; Lamb Lies Down on Broadway; Foxtrot; Nursery Cryme
Camel - Moonmadness; Mirage; The Snow Goose
Hawking - Warrior on the Edge of Time
Laurent Thibault – Mais On Ne Peut
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Rush - 2112; A Farewell To Kings; Hemispheres; Permanent Waves; Moving Pictures
Pulsar - The Strands Of The Future
Raw Material - Time Is
Arcadium - Breathe Awhile
SBB - Memento...; Wołanie...; Karlstad
Czesław Niemen - Aerolit; Marionetki; Enigmatic; Idee Fixe; Katharsis
T2 - It'll All Work Out In Boomland
Shakti - Natural Elements; A Handful Of Beauty
Pan - Pan
Nosferatu - Nosferatu
Wobbler - Afterglow; Rites At Dawn;
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