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Ktoś daje 100 BTC autorowi tego artykułu Why Apple Pay And Dollars Are Killing Bitcoin w Forbes jeżeli Bitcoin najpierw osiągnie osiągnie $100 a nie $1000 ja nie był bym taki pewny, może stracić kasę.
Jeżli autor tekstu podejmie wyzwanie a Bitcoin spadnie do $100 dostaje 10 tysięcy USD.

This piece, is nothing more than rubbish written from ignorance. The author’s statement, “Look no further than the major exchanges, which have either gone bankrupt (Mt. Gox) or suffered major security lapses (Bitstamp). Both of which cost investors millions of dollars in unrecoverable losses.” (No losses were realized by any depositors using Bitstamp). Moreover the author fails to see past the price of a Bitcoin and seems to measure the future success of the Bitcoin/Blockchain protocol in the valuation of one Bitcoin. For those who seek profits trading Bitcoins, there is money to be made buying (long positions) or selling (selling short) and as with any commodity/currency/stock, professional traders who seek short term gains are able to take advantage of market conditions an a day to basis. However the long term future of Bitcoin and the blockchain remain unaffected by the price. To think that is short sighted to say the least. Only time will tell where this nascent technology will take us, but be assured the the final chapter is no where near being written. Long term prospects for both the price of a single Bitcoin and the future of the underlying technology are looking brighter than ever. I would be happy to offer the writer of this article a friendly wager. And I am so confident in so much as I am willing to put my Bitcoins where my mouth is. I’ll wager 100 Bitcoins, that the price of one Bitcoin will reach $1,000 USD before it trades below $100 USD. Show me how confident you are. I’m on linkedin if you want to take my Bitcoins. Meet you in Las Vegas to settle, wouldn’t want to break any law prohibiting gambling now would we?

Article: http://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2015/01/29/why-apple-pay-and-dollars-are-killing-bitcoin/

What a legend. Some dude calls out the author of Forbes article and offers him a 100 BTC wager on Bitcoin hitting $1,000 before it hits $100.

#btc #bitcoin #kryptowaluty
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@tyskieponadwszystkie: ale przyznasz, że bliżej jest do stu w tej chwili niż tysiąca. Swoją drogą to cały czas mam nadzieję, że jednak jeszcze kiedyś spadnie do stówki. Właśnie dlatego, że teraz jest w tym tylu grubasów może im zależeć żeby najpierw zjechać jak najniżej żeby się załadować jak najtaniej przed moon ;)
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@fantastyczny_zigi: Szkoda, że w Polsce, tym pięknym kraju, ukrywają się po lasach jeszcze takie trolle jak ty. Szkoda lolku, że face to face, nie garniesz się do takich komentarzy:) Zigi fantastyczny, zajadłe posty, avatar - jakie to czytelne:) Nie udało się w życiu, co?
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