Wpis z mikrobloga


- Optimised save game speeds

- Fixed game launch issues linked to local user permissions

- Fixed rare crash on continue


- Improved defensive reactions to crosses and corners

- Tweaked wide defending of wingers

- Improved goalkeeper reaction times after an initial save

- Various other goalkeeper improvements

- Fixed further instances of own goals being awarded incorrectly

- Fixed further instances of players not being given offside when collecting rebounds

- Fixed rare instances of U18 teams starting match with only a goalkeeper, resulting in high scorelines

- Fixed problem where AI teams would sub many of their players off the pitch without replacements, resulting in high scorelines


- Fixed Greek Superleague scheduling

- Martin Ødegaard added to new games

- Added licensed kits for MLS expansion teams


- Added player Role & Duty to pitch on tactics screen

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- Improved defensive reactions to crosses and corners

- Tweaked wide defending of wingers

@Quar: w końcu :|

Ciekawe czy dalej występują bezsensowne dobitki, gdzie obrońcy stoją w miejscu i jak gram gra środkiem pola. Poczekam na opinie na cmrevie jeszcze, nim odpalę. Ale dzięki za informacje
@Quar: Wygląda na to, że zajęli się wszystkimi najczęściej zgłaszanymi problemami i błędami. Pytanie, na ile to rzeczywiście pomoże.