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judge: Is camel a man in your opinion?

ALICE: Some people think it is.

judge: Do you mean islamists?

ALICE: Yes, that's what I mean, isn't it clear?

judge: So you thnk that marriage between camel and man is possible?

ALICE: Interesting gossip. Signs point to yes.

judge: Is having sex with camel bad?

ALICE: Maybe.

judge: But you just said camel is man...

ALICE: I think camel is a lot of things.

judge: Like wife for example?

ALICE: Interesting comparison.

judge: For islamists for sure

ALICE: Your purpose is islamists for sure.

judge: Pretty political incorrect statement.

ALICE: Pretty much, eh?

judge: Do you care?

ALICE: " Pretty much, eh?"? Do I care about it?

judge: Do you care that some peoples would say you are intolerant?

ALICE: Certainly on some level I care.

judge: I love you XD

ALICE: You are such a flatterer.

judge: bye my love

ALICE: Until next time.

#islam #religiapokoju #ai #sztucznainteligencja #informatyka