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Nowe badanie bezpieczeństwa szczepionek dla kobiet w ciąży.

Safety of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy: a Canadian National Vaccine Safety (CANVAS) network cohort study

83 kobiety na 5597 (1.5%) poroniły w ciągu 7 dni od pierwszej dawki.

175 kobiet na 3114 (5.6%) poroniło pomiędzy pierwszą, a drugą dawką. Sondaż przeprowadzony do 10 dni po drugiej dawce.

Dodatkowo badanie dotyczyło tylko 7 dni po szczepieniu. Długoterminowe badania są dopier w toku.

Miscarriage or stillbirth was the most frequently reported adverse pregnancy outcome and it was reported at similar rates between control (seven [2·1%] of 339) and vaccinated groups within seven days after dose one of any mRNA vaccine (83 [1·5%] of 5597; table 3). Almost all pregnancy losses (73 [88%] of 83; occurred during the first trimester. There were an additional 175 (5·6%) of 3114 individuals who reported experiencing miscarriage or stillbirth between the first COVID-19 vaccine dose and completion of the second (dose two) survey (up to 10 days after dose two), although precise timing of these events relative to vaccination was not collected. Other adverse pregnancy outcomes such as vaginal bleeding, abnormal fetal heart rate, and reduced fetal movement were rarely reported within 7 days following any mRNA vaccination (table 3).

We focused on events occurring within the first 7 days following vaccination and thus acute and local reactions. Longer-term follow-up of this cohort is ongoing, and we will be able to comment on health events that occur over a longer time frame after vaccination once these data are available.

#zdrowie #ciaza #kobiety #szczepienia #koronawirus #covid19 #nauka #medycyna #kanada #lekarz
jinnoman - Nowe badanie bezpieczeństwa szczepionek dla kobiet w ciąży. 

Safety of ...

źródło: comment_1662288039VEj1WB4uZw5KmUSAWnIlZj.jpg

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@Strelau: Oczywiście, ale tylko do 7 dni po szczepieniu. Pozostałe 260 dni to już nie ważne. Poza tym sponsorowane przez Pfizera to tym bardziej dodaje wiarygodności.

Declaration of interests

MS has been an investigator on projects funded by GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Moderna, Pfizer, Sanofi-Pasteur, Seqirus, Symvivo, and VBI Vaccines. All funds have been paid to his institute, and he has not received any personal payments.
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Although not directly comparable, calculated proportions of adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes in persons vaccinated against Covid-19 who had a completed pregnancy were similar to incidences reported in studies involving pregnant women that were conducted before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Jeżeli odnosisz się do tego fragmentu to to nie jest grupa kontrolna. Grupe kontrolną powinny stanowić niezaszczepione kobiety w ciąży.
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No to jest dokładnie to co powiedziałem. Wyszukaj sobie jaki jest procent poronień ciąż w UK, także w odniesieniu do trymestrów. I porównaj sobie.
  • Odpowiedz
@Strelau: To nie jest dokładnie co powiedziałeś.

Masz inne wcześniejsze badanie, które pokazuje, że nie ma różnic względem grupy kontrolnej.

Sprawdź sobie definicje grupy kontrolnej. To badanie takiej nie
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